
Running a zine community account is time consuming. Currently atozines is focusing on the zine scene on instagram and allowing the calendar and archive be managed with user submissions. Thanks for your understanding.

Disclaimer: zines that are shared on the atozines accounts and resources are not personally endorsed by atozines mods. We recommend muting zines accounts that contain content you are uncomofortable with.


CalendarSubmission Form
ArchiveSubmission Form
atozines_botRetired due to twitter API
IG PromoUse the channel in our discord server

What is a Zine?There are some variations of zines. In this context, it's a physical or digital self-printed book that is available for a limited amount of time. Most zines have a small window of when it will be available, you will not be able to get the zine after the window is closed.Although there are zines that are made, produced, and shipped by one person, the zines we track will be collaborative zine projects that feature a group of moderators and contributors of 10 or more people.Projects may also be referred to as: art books, anthologies. Groups within this community may also create, but are not limited to: cookbooks, calendars, planners, and tarot cards.

atozines' beginner guide to:

atozines Resources
CalendarAdd your events with the form
This is a deadline focused calendar. It will tell you what events are ending.
ArchiveAdd your projects with the form.
This is an archive for all concluded zines; completed, canceled, or indefinant hiatus
Our Free Zine list is built off this archive.
Resourcesa collection of zine accounts, resource, and guides. Everyone's zine experience is different, so look at guides from different people.
Check out our list of active zine promotional accounts
atz Twt BotThe Twitter Bot is currently not in use due to Twitters new API policy
Taglistcopy and paste tags for active zine accounts on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Bluesky
Not always up to date.
IG Promo Serviceyou can use our IG account to promo if your project doesn't have one. Just follow the guidelines and have a mod reach out to us.
Zine Cheat SheetA Notion page that goes through the life cycle of a zine from start to end. This resource is primarily for preplanning and organization.
About UsAn overview of how we run things


last updated Dec 2024

General@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat

@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene

@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social

use hashtag #atozines or #zineapps to appear in our feeds
@_atozines @zinespotlight
Fandoms (General)@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Boku No Hero@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents @BnhaZines @BNHAzineTracker @plusultrazines

@bkdkevents @KacchakoCentral @NSFWzines
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social

@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
BTS@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @BighitBulletin @AstronautZines@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight
Danganronpa@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Final Fantasy@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@FF_bulletin @ffxv_zine_news @ffzinewatch
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines @ffxvzinenews@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social @ffxvzinenews.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Fire Emblem@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@fe_stuff @Fe3hMerch
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Genshin Impact@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@HoyoBulletin @genshin_fanhub
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social @genshinzines.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Haikyuu@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines @hqcalendar@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social @hqcalendar.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Honkai Star Rail@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@HoyoBulletin @hsrbulletin
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines @hsrbulletin@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social @hsrbulletin.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Jujutsu Kaisen@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
Kingdom Hearts@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
One Piece@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@opfantracker @OPLootChest
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines @opzinebulletin@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social @oplootchest.bsky.social @opzinecommunity.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_
SK8 THE INFINITY@atozines @zine_apps @ZZinethat @AllFandomEvents @aniziness @faneventshub @proanimevents
@all-zine-apps @open-zines @zinefeed @zine-scene @anizines@atozines.bsky.social @zineapps.bsky.social @zinepromo.bsky.social @allfandomevents.bsky.social @anizines.bsky.social @fanzinetracker.bsky.social@_atozines @zinespotlight @_anizines_


Check out these bulletins!

Zine Tracker

Check out these fandom specific bulletins!

Their lists will probably be a bit more accurate than ours if you're interested in these specific fandoms

Fire Emblem@fezines
Genshin Impact@genshinbulletin | @genshinfanhub
Jujutsu Kaisen@jjkfaneventshub | @jjkbulletin
Kingdom Hearts@eventsby_kh
Tears of Themis@themisbulletin
Undertale & Deltarune@UTFandomEvents

Archive a Project

  • Please only archive completed, concluded, or discontinued projects only.

  • Please check out the Archive to list your event consistantly

Deadline Calendar

Add an event

  • Use the following format when listing your zine: Fandom name: Zine Name (Zine theme or ship) i.e. Haikyuu: Kodzuken Live (Kenma Gaming Zine)

  • Spell out fandom names BNHA vs Boku No Hero to prevent confusion between fandoms with similar acronyms.

  • No need to go into specific sub-franchises: Persona 5 vs Persona — Fire Emblem: Three Houses vs Fire EmblemPokemon: Sword & Shield vs Pokemon

  • Mention if a zine is NSFW in the listing name: i.e. Jujutsu Kaisen: NSFW - gen zine

  • Share a link to your event. A twitter link works best so the twitter bot can QRT the tweet.

This is not a save the date type of calendar. Do NOT submit events that have not begun yet. (The bot's automation message indicates that the event is in the process).
This form will automatically add your event to the calendar, and will automatically be retweeted by the bot. Please read through you submission carefully before submitting.If there is something incorrect with your calendar event, feel free to DM us on twitter so that it can be updated. Please include any necessary information, i.e. new links, when messaging.

About atozines

atozines is a zine resource to make navigating zines easier. We share information for all collaborative zines, from fandoms, crossovers, and original zines. The overall goal of atozines is to create a resource that is not reliant on a moderator to maintain, so we encourage the community to use the form to help keep the resource up to date.atozines' main goal is to be beginner friendly and informational to those who are new to the online fandom zine space.


  • The best way to get your events added to the calendar is by using the form.

  • The best away to get added to the archive is to use the form

  • Events added to the calendar will be added to the tracker by a moderator.

  • The best way to contact us is through email, our discord server, or if you know a moderator

Our Accounts

Twitter - @atozinesTemporary HiatusDue to the updates on Twitter, we went on Hiatus. Our DMs became more unreliable and the changes to the API policy lead us to focus to Instagram
@atozines_botNeverTwitter Bot.
currently inactive due to Twitter API changes
Instagram - @_atozines2-4 daysOur most active platform.
If your project does not have an Instagram, you can submit graphics to be shared on our account for additional promo
Tumblr - @atozinesInactiveDue to the decline of Tumblr, we stopped updating it. If your zine does not have a Tumblr, you can submit graphics to be shared on our account.
Bluesky- @atozines.bsky.socialMostly InactiveWe mostly use our bsky to upkeep and curate our feeds and lists.
Occasionally we will make a point to go through the feeds and like posts to help with the algorithm.
Discorda small communityFeel free to join if you would like weekly reminders to check the calendar. You are also able to ask the moderators any questions.
Curiouscat - atozinesNeverDue to the large, long-term outage and ongoing issues, we no longer check curiouscat and have since disabled it.

Feel free to use our calendar form to submit your zine events!

What do we share & track?

Interest Checks--x-
Save the Date----
Contributor lists----
Preorders/Zine Release--x-
Leftover Sales--x-
Date Extensions--x-

* Announcements is information that we believe is important for the zine community to know.Key: - No , x Yes, o sparingly, we do not wish to spam the feed

atozines FAQ

What types of zines do you share/archive?
+ Fandom & Original
+ Collaborative — featuring at least 10+ collaborators
+ English — we're English speaking only so documenting zines in different languages is hard for us.
+ Cookbooks, card decks, calendar, and any like-minded projects are okay.
How are zines added to your resources?
By user submissions or a moderator.
How can I be added to your resource?
The best way to be added to the calendar or archive is to use the submission form.
Something is incorrectly categorized
We apologize for this error, feel free to let us know. We are NOT knowledgable in all fandoms, so please let us know if there is a better way to categorize a project!
Will you RT my post?
atozines does not actively retweet posts due the amount of time needed to go through all our notifications.
Why do you only track/archive collaborative zines?
1. That would be a lot of zines to track.
2. The main purpose of this resource was to help people find projects to be apart of.
3. Collaborative and solo zines tend to operate differently so it's harder for us to track its status.
Why wasn't my event added to the calendar?
Check your internet or status of Airtable and try again. If the Airtable services are down, our forms will not work.
This zine has [content you're uncomfortable with]!
We recommend muting and/or blocking the account. atozines does not vet zines, there are simply too many fandoms and characters we are unfamiliar with.
BUT, if a project is not properly tagged (i.e. isn't marked as NSFW) or documented in a way that is deceiving (i.e. purposefully leaving out important information to be more marketable), please inform us so we can update the entry.

Can I share a zine if I'm not a moderator?
Yes! If you are a contributor or even just a fan, feel free to bring the zine to our attention.
Can I ask you a question?
Feel free, we'll try our best to answer any of your questions. Please note that our answers are not a reflection of the zine community and might not always be suitable to your unique situation.
Why didn't you answer our DM?
Due to all the changes to social media platforms, our DMs are not reliable.
Why are there so many guidelines/rules?
atozines tracks zines from multiple fandoms, these guidelines for recording information helps us organize zines so they are easier to find. We also want to be more friendly for the zine babies and creating a consistent system helps.
How do we know if you muted our account?
We mute accounts that are bang/exchange/weeks/month accounts OR are not English. These zines are then added to the proper list.
If the account is on the list and decides to make a zine or an english zine, they can DM us to be added to another list and unmuted.

Calendar FAQ

How is the calendar updated?
Through user submissions. If you need to update a deadline due to an extension, we recommend re-submitting to the form.
There's an error with our zine's event
No worries! You can reach out to us though Discord and we can update it, or you can resubmit your event. A moderator occasionally checks the resource and will delete the older entry.
Can I get my event added?
You can add your event to the calendar using the form. We recommend submitting events so that there is less error.
I'm confused at how to fill the form out
No worries, just try your best, a moderator goes through all submissions to adhere to the consistency and ensure that there aren't multiple listings for the same event. Try checking out the calendar or archive to see how other events are listed!
In general:
+ Please spell out fandom names for consistency so that the calendar is easy to navigate ie: Boku No Hero
+ Please note if a zine is NSFW between the fandom name & the zine name/theme ie: Boku No Hero: NSFW: KRBK Summer Heat zine
+ If the zine IS NOT specific to one fandom, please list it as ie: Crossover
+ If a free release zine does NOT have a deadline, use the release date as the deadline date.
+ If the fandom can fit under multiple categories, please list it under the category it was made in first. i.e Pokemon was first released as a game before it was an anime. So it's listed under Games
Can I submit my zine to the calendar even though it is not collaborative?
atozines does NOT track personal/individual projects so we will not add non-collaborative zines to any of our resources. But as long as it is a zine—a physical or digital 6-or more page document—, feel free to use our calendar to advertise your project!

Tracker & Archive FAQ

How is the tracker updated?
The tracker is currently no being updated.
How is the Archive updated?
Users can submit their concluded (completed or canceled) projects through our form. Please note that the calendar and archive have DIFFERENT forms.

Advertising with atozines

I have a question about using atozines to promote on IG for my project!
Feel free to DM us on Instagram or send us an email. You do NOT need to use a zine account to message us, a moderator can speak to us on behalf of the project.
How do I submit images and captions for promo?
You can send the information to us through our Discord server or Instagram DM.
Why didn't you accept our Instagram collaborator invitation?
We are very intentional with our feed and the graphics we share. Please check out our IG Promo guidelines. Unlike Twitter, images mean a lot more than the text area, so we like to make sure the graphics have all the necessary information.

Twitter Lists

Twitter lists is a great way to keep track of twitter accounts without having to follow them. They're helpful with keeping track of accounts while still managing your feed. The only downside is that you need to remember to check them.Feel free to follow our lists. If you have a recommendation for a new one, please let us know! At the moment we have list for fandoms and themes that we found most popular.

Fandom List
These lists hold all the SFW zines in the fandom. All NSFW zines will be on the multi-fandom NSFW list. If you find an account sharing NSFW content, please let us know so they can be moved to the appropriate list.
Themed ListsYou can identify our themed lists because they have an emoji or symbol in their name. These are not fandom specific.These lists may contain NSFW/+18 accounts.

Event and Zine accountsThese are accounts that will RT and share fandom events and zines.
Original ZinesZines that are not related to any fandom.
Non English ZinesZines that are in languages that are not english.
Bangs and EventsAccounts hosting big/small bangs and event. Atozines does not promote bangs and other non-zine fandom events. These accounts will be muted. If your account has been muted and you are planning on using it for a zine, feel free to message us to be unmuted.
Week and MonthsAccounts hosting fan weeks and months. Atozines does not promote fan weeks or months. These accounts will be muted. If your account has been muted and you are planning on using it for a zine, feel free to message us to be unmuted.
NSFWA collection of NSFW projects
Tarot ProjectsProjects dedicated to tarot card decks
Cookbook ZinesProjects that are recipe centric (Food themed zines not included)
Calendar and Plannerscalendar and planner projects

Instagram Promo Guidelines

We will not share content that does not meet the requirements or guidelines. Check out our Instagram feed for examples. (We really care about what our grid looks like.)

Collaborator Invitations Guidelines

  • dimensions: 1080 x 1080 px or 1:1

  • who: zine name or theme (if applicable)

  • what: event (preorders/apps/etc)

  • when: duration/dates

  • fandom (optional)

  • Videos? Please remember to set your video thumbnail to display all the following information so that it is informational in the grid.

How to contact us for submission or with any questions:

  • DM _atozines on Instagram—one of your mods can reach out on behalf of the project

  • Message a mod in our Discord channel

We know running an IG, Twitter, and Tumblr page is hard. Which is why we offer this service. A pro of using atozines to promo if you don't have an IG account: Your contributors have a post they can share in their IG story to advertise—which can be helpful if IG is their main platform.

Who can submit a promo post:

  • collaborative projects with 10 or more people

  • projects with or without an IG account is okay

  • art books, tarot decks, playing cards, calendars, cookbooks, anthologies and zines

  • Anything written with an English-speaking audience in mind OR an explicit disclaimer that the text will be in another language


  • One(1) image, at most two (2)

  • A caption for the post

In-feed Image Guidelines

IG users do NOT typically read the caption if the image does not catch their attention. These guidelines are to insure your post is informative.

  • dimensions: 1080 x 1080 px or 1:1

  • who: social media handles so they can find you

  • zine name or theme (if applicable)

  • what: event (preorders/apps/etc)

  • when: duration/dates

  • fandom (if it is not obvious)

If you have a second image it does not have to follow these guidelines as it will come after the first photo.

Caption Tips

  • Have easy to type urls like a Carrd URL, a custom bit.ly link, etc

  • drop a social media handle if you have an IG account

  • Include hashtags — over 30 hashtags will result in getting the caption deleted.

  • if you would like us to tag an artist, we can

Story Image Guidelines

  • dimensions: 1080 x 1920 px or 9:16

  • who: social media handles so they can find you & we can remember to tag you if you have an IG

  • zine name or theme (if applicable)

  • what: event (preorders/apps/etc)

  • when: duration/dates

  • fandom (if it is not obvious)

  • Please remember that there IS no text area so your graphic HAS to be informative

What we share:

  • Interest checks

  • Moderator and Contributor applications

  • Preorders

  • Giveaways

  • Extensions for the things listed above


  • Submissions may only be made by zine accounts OR moderators of the zine — if you submit for a zine that you are not moderating, your ability to submit will be revoked. (Some zines may NOT want to promote on other platforms)

  • No Guest, Mod, or Contributor Spotlights

  • No Contributor Lists

  • No Countdowns

  • No Explicit Content — NSFW zines can submit for promo but their images should not contain anything explicit and should be properly labeled as NSFW or 18+ in the graphic

  • You are only able to submit once. We will not repost the same post. (Extensions do not count for in this instance)

  • No Google Links —you can NOT click links and people will NOT be inclined to type them out.

Guidelines and restrictions may be updated in the future.

Contact Us